About Us
Founded in 1929, Richardson Business Solutions is committed to excellence by providing quality products and services to our customers. Richardson's is a full service dealer that believes that customer services and support is foundation of the products that we offer. Richardson's excel at evaluating your needs so that we fully understand the correct products and services to recommend to you. Richardson's understands that a product without proper service or support limits the usefulness and efficiency of the piece of equipment. We offer a wide range of products and support options ranging from on-site support, remote services, and depot repair if needed.
Outstanding Customer Service
Our sales and service personnel are trained to evaluate your needs in order for you to make an informed decision. You can be assured that the personnel that assist you are trained on your specific products or services. Richardson's sales personnel are committed to finding the correct solution that applies to your need. Our sales staff works very hard on staying current with new technology and products to keep you informed for not only today, but for needs that may arise in the future.
Total Solutions to Fit Your Needs
In speaking with Richardson Business Solutions you will be assured that the time we spend with you will be spent on finding the correct solution that fits your needs. The manufacturers that we have chosen to represent are committed in providing quality products. These companies are on the cutting edge of technology and where technology will go. Manufacturers such as; DataCard, BadgePass, Okidata, Toshiba, HID, Zebra, Fargo, Salamander, CIM, Matica, Phillips, FP and many more.
All of our manufacturers are on the forefront of their respected industries and are leaders in technology. Our relationship with the manufacturers keeps us poised for new technology and trends in the marketplace.
Please feel free to contact us for any questions that you may have. Our staff is committed to your needs and can provide you with pricing and availability on all of our products and services. Discover your TOTAL solution for Business Solutions.